Postgraduate Application


All fields marked * are required.  All information collected is subject to our privacy policy.

In accordance with GDPR policy, the information requested is for admission and statistical purposes only and will be treated in strictest confidence.

New or Returning Student
e.g. X00123456
Contact Info

For example: 00 353 86 4383748 or +353 86 4383748
For example: 00 353 1 8348783 or +353 1 8348783
For example: 00 353 1 8348783 or +353 1 8348783
You are originally from
You are currently a citizen of
Personal Info & Preferences
Please enter details of your undergraduate qualification(s). Candidates must have obtained at least a second class Level 8 honours degree in which theology or religious studies is a major component. Please post a copy of the transcript of your award(s) to us to complete registration.
The name of the institution where you attained your highest academic achievement
Your highest academic achievement, leaving cert, undergraduate degree, etc


Programme Choices

Payment Options

BENEFICIARY: The Priory Institute
Bank Name: Allied Irish Bank
Bank Address: Tallaght, Dublin 24
Bank Sort Code Number: 93-33-17
Bank Account Number: 03515004
IBAN: IE02 AIBK 9333 1703 5150 04

When paying via electronic transfer, it is essential that you quote your full name as the narrative, to assist us in identifying your payment and allocating the payment to the correct account.

Terms & Conditions
  1. If at any time, you wish to defer submission of assignments or written examinations, you must contact the Student Services Administrator in writing (by e-mail or letter), explaining why you wish to defer and to check if you are eligible for a deferral. Notification to other members of staff will not be accepted as an official notice of deferral.
  2. If you decide to withdraw from the programme or a given module, you must inform the Programme Leader in writing (by e-mail or letter) and complete the appropriate forms as required. Notification to other members of staff will not be accepted as an official notice of withdrawal.
  3. Refund policy: The €40 application fee does not form part of the fees and becomes non-refundable once all documents have been received and your application is formally accepted. Written requests for a refund must be submitted to the Finance Administrator in accordance with the following schedule:
    • 100% of all fees (except non-refundable deposit(s)) within 3 days of the first onsite weekend.
    • 90% of all fees (except non-refundable deposit(s)) within 7 days of the first onsite weekend.
    • 80% of all fees (except non-refundable deposit(s)) within 14 days of the launch day.
    • 60% of all fees (except non-refundable deposit(s)) within 21 days of the first onsite weekend.
    • 30% of all fees (except non-refundable deposit(s)) within 28 days of the first onsite weekend.
    • There is no refund after 28 days following the first onsite weekend.
  4. This application form does not infer or impose any legal obligations on the management of the Priory Institute or Technological University Dublin to provide programmes or other services to students. It does not constitute an offer to supply any programme and it is not to be construed as imposing a legal obligation on the Institutes to supply programmes or modules in any respect of a programme of study.
  5. The Institute is a registered Data Controller and will comply with its obligations under existing or future Data Protection legislation with regard to the dissemination of personal information to any third party.