
'Inspiration for all Seasons: Celtic Wisdom for Today' Launch of John Scally's latest book

'Inspiration for all Seasons: Celtic Wisdom for Today' Launch of John Scally's latest book

John Scally’s new book 'Inspiration for all Seasons: Celtic Wisdom for Today' is now available. The Celtic tradition offers connections, community and common sense, theologian John Scally uses it as a rich vein to be mined of insight, imagination and inspiration

We are pleased to announce a new MA in Aquinas Studies

We are pleased to announce a new MA in Aquinas Studies

The MA will be taught by distance learning over two years, with a taught component (60 credits in total) delivered over three semesters of 15 weeks. A dissertation of 15,000 words (30 credits) will be completed in the fourth semester.

Join our Weekly Discussion Groups in Tallaght

Join our Weekly Discussion Groups in Tallaght

The Gospel of Mark and The History of Mysticism are read and discussed in groups led by Philip McShane OP.