Mission and Values


The Priory Institute’s mission is to encourage theological education and research in the wider community by offering courses and seminars, including those leading to recognised academic awards. The Institute aims to be a significant contributor to the theological formation of people, particularly those who do not have ready access to this education. Towards this end, the Institute has established distance learning facilities and resources to support student learning.


The values which underpin the work of the Institute are

  • The theological ethos of the Institute is Roman Catholic in content and ecumenical in spirit. It reflects openness to the riches of different religious traditions.
  • Access to theological education is encouraged through the provision of programmes at various levels and through flexible delivery structures.
  • A student-centred approach ensures that services provided are relevant and responsive to students’ needs.
  • The Institute is committed to developing a reputation for the quality of the academic standards of the courses and services offered.
  • Collaboration with other institutions and organisations allows for the enhancement of courses, accreditation of learning and a commitment to theological reflection and research.