Director's Welcome

The Priory Institute offers student opportunities to engage with the deeper questions about life and its meaning. Students may choose to study at a serious academic level for a degree or, alternatively, they may decide to work at their own pace without seeking academic credit and the pressure of essays, examinations and other deadlines. In our courses, students consider the meaning of religious faith and many of the challenging ethical issues that confront human beings in today’s world. They also explore why and how God interacts with the world, the understanding of God that is presented in the Bible and the relationships between the different world religions. We aim to facilitate the needs of individual students.
Our courses are affordable and are internationally recognised. Their delivery is supported by dedicated staff who help students achieve the various learning outcomes successfully and to benefit personally and spiritually from their studies.
If you have any questions or would like clarification about what you read, please do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to welcoming you as a student of the Priory Institute.