

The Priory Institute offers accredited certificates, higher certificates, diplomas and degrees. Course validation relates to  quality assurance. It is a process under which educational programmes are evaluated by a government authorised, external agency to determine if all applicable standards are met. Only those courses  that meet these quality assurance standards become validated.

The Priory Institute's 'suite of courses', including all major and minor award courses, as well as all modules that are available for single subject certification, has been evaluated by an external course validation board. These expert panels have determined that all applicable quality assurance standards have been met.

ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) Currently, the Institute's academic courses are validated by the the Technical University Dublin . TU Dublin has delegated authority from QQI to issue academic awards. Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) is a state agency established by the Quality Assurance and Qualifications (Education and Training) Act 2012. QQI is an amalgamation of the previously operational Further Education and Training Awards Council (FETAC), the Higher Education and Training Awards Council (HETAC), the Irish Universities Quality Board (IUQB) and the National Qualifications Authority of Ireland (NQAI). It is the national accreditation board for higher education qualifications in Ireland. In the area of qualifications, QQI is responsible for maintaining the ten-level NFQ (National Framework of Qualifications). 

ITT Dublin conforms to the Bologna Declaration. By means of that the Priory Institute courses carry ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) points (credits) as follows:

Major Awards: NFQ Level, Credits

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Theology (Level 8): 240 ECTS credits
Bachelor of Arts in Theology (Level 7): 180 ECTS credits.
Higher Certificate in Theology (Level 6): 120 ECTS credits

Minor Awards: NFQ Level, Credits

Diploma in Philosophy (Level 7):  60 ECTS credits
Diploma in Theology (Level 7): 60 ECTS credits
Diploma in Scripture (Level 7): 60 ECTS credits
Certificate in Theology (Level 7): 60 ECTS credits

Other Awards:

Single Subject Certification (Levels 6, 7, 8) 15 ECTS credits